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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/12/18 Conquering Selfishness Landon Rutter Sermon Gospel Meeting: Handling the Challenges of Life Gospel Meeting 1249.MP3
04/11/18 Managing Money Landon Rutter Sermon Gospel Meeting: Handling the Challenges of Life Gospel Meeting
04/11/18 Managing Money Landon Rutter Sermon Gospel Meeting: Handling the Challenges of Life Gospel Meeting 1248.MP3
04/10/18 Maintaining Sexual Integrity Landon Rutter Sermon Gospel Meeting: Handling the Challenges of Life Gospel Meeting 1247.MP3
04/09/18 Taming the Tongue Landon Rutter Sermon Gospel Meeting: Handling the Challenges of Life Gospel Meeting 1246.MP3
04/08/18 Biblical Womanhood Landon Rutter Sermon Gospel Meeting: Handling the Challenges of Life Gospel Meeting 1123.MP3
04/08/18 Biblical Manhood Landon Rutter Sermon Gospel Meeting: Handling the Challenges of Life Gospel Meeting 1122.MP3
04/08/18 God: The Priority of Life Landon Rutter Sermon Gospel Meeting: Handling the Challenges of Life Sun Bible Study 1121.MP3
04/01/18 Psalm 11 Faith or Flight Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship 1245.MP3
04/01/18 Luke19:11-27 Use what the Lord has given Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 1244.MP3
03/28/18 Psalm 2 Man Versus God Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship 1243.MP3
03/25/18 Psalm 2: Man vs. God Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship 1243-1522067572.mp3
03/25/18 Jesus and the Unloveable Lost Luke19:1-10 Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 1242.MP3
03/18/18 Apologetics:Dealing with Christian Criticisms Andrew Walker Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship 1120.MP3
03/11/18 Luke 18:31-34 The loving determination of Jesus Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 1117.MP3
03/04/18 Barnabas: A Good Man Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship 1116.MP3
03/04/18 Luke 18:15-17 "Let the Children Come to Me" Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 1115.MP3
02/04/18 Thoughts of the Book of Jonah Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship 1241.MP3
02/04/18 Luke 17:20-21; The Nature of the Kingdom of God Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 1240.MP3
01/21/18 Spiritual Warfare, Ephesians 6 Paul Fox Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship 1237.MP3
01/21/18 Pay Attention to Yourselves, Like 17:1-4 Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 1236.MP3
01/07/18 God Hears Our Sorrow Matt Thompson Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship 1112.MP3
01/07/18 Salvation David Collins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 1111.MP3
12/31/17 "God Knows Your Hearts" (Luke 16:14-15) Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship 1321.MP3
12/31/17 "The Love of Christ Controls Us" (2 Corinthians 5:14-21) Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 1235.MP3

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