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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/19/24 Romans: Dead to Sin Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Morning_Worship_-_19_May_2024_-_11-21-02_AM.1.mp3
05/12/24 Romans: Jesus and the Great Reversal Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Evening_Worship_-_12_May_2024_-_06-18-32_PM.1.mp3
05/12/24 Abound Podcast Episode 4: What is a Christian? Part 1 Adam Litmer Abound Podcast Abound Podcast Abound_E4.mp3
05/12/24 Romans: Look at what Jesus accomplished Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Morning_Worship_-_12_May_2024_-_11-19-49_AM.1.mp3
05/05/24 Romans: Abraham and the way of faith (Romans 4) Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Evening_Worship_-_05_May_2024_-_06-16-30_PM.1.mp3
05/05/24 Romans: A Gift Offered to Everyone Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Morning_Worship_-_05_May_2024_-_11-17-20_AM.1.mp3
04/30/24 Abound Podcast Episode 3: Why is the Bible still relevant today? Adam Litmer Abound Podcast Abound Podcast Abound_E3.mp3
04/30/24 Abound Podcast Episode 2: Repentance Adam Litmer Abound Podcast Abound Podcast Abound_E2.mp3
04/28/24 Romans 1:18-3:20 "We're all failures" Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Evening_Worship_-_28_April_2024_-_06-20-46_PM.1.mp3
04/28/24 Romans 1:1-17 "Let the reconciliation begin!" Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Morning_Worship_-_28_April_2024_-_11-19-27_AM.1.mp3
04/21/24 Jesus Drank Wine Adam Daniels Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Evening_Worship_-_21_April_2024_-_06-21-06_PM.1.mp3
04/21/24 Abound Podcast Episode 1: Introduction Adam Litmer Abound Podcast Abound Podcast Abound_E1.mp3
04/21/24 Romans "Why did Paul write this letter?" Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Morning_Worship_-_21_April_2024_-_11-22-17_AM.1.mp3
04/14/24 Church Trouble: Tolerating Sexual Sin Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Evening_Worship_-_14_April_2024_-_06-20-55_PM.1.mp3
04/14/24 Paul's Attitude Adjustment for Christians Philippians 2:3-16 Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Morning_Worship_-_14_April_2024_-_11-20-11_AM.1.mp3
04/07/24 Church Trouble: Follow Jesus, Not Preachers Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Morning_Worship_-_07_April_2024_-_11-20-38_AM.1.mp3
03/31/24 Paul's Attitude Adjustments Pt. 2 Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Evening_Worship_-_31_March_2024_-_02-53-30_PM.1.mp3
03/31/24 The Power of His Resurrection Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Morning_Worship_-_31_March_2024_-_11-11-43_AM.1.mp3
03/24/24 Attitude Adjustments Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Evening_Worship_-_24_March_2024_-_02-50-18_PM.1.mp3
03/24/24 Church Trouble: Preventing Trouble Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Morning_Worship_-_24_March_2024_-_11-15-23_AM.1.mp3
03/17/24 Isaiah 53 Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Evening_Worship_-_17_March_2024_-_02-50-20_PM.1.mp3
03/17/24 Church Trouble: Inventing Rules Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Morning_Worship_-_17_March_2024_-_11-17-14_AM.1.mp3
03/10/24 Is God in the World? Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Evening_Worship_-_10_March_2024_-_02-45-15_PM.1.mp3
03/10/24 Church Trouble Adam Litmer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Morning_Worship_-_10_March_2024_-_11-18-16_AM.1.mp3
03/07/24 What We Don't Believe: Social Activities Are Wrong Adam Litmer Sermon What We Don't Believe Gospel Meeting Evening_Worship_-_07_March_2024_-_07-42-18_PM.1.mp3

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